Can Mac IQ help with that?
You may be thinking that Mac IQ are Apple Mac specialists and can solve all your problems with Apple Mac Computers, iPhones and iPads and related IT gear. Allow us to clarify when we’re the best for your computer repair and when we need to direct you elsewhere.
We do software-based computer repairs. Software problems can be an App that crashes or an error message that appears, the computer freezing/not responding, not completing startup or not logging in (e.g. flashing folder on startup or stuck on the Apple logo). The repair usually involves a quick hardware check or disk check and then reinstalling, updating the App, reinstalling the OS and in some cases a full backup, erase, OS and App reinstall and Data Restore. This is what we mainly do, we can help you with this. We can also erase your Mac and install a ‘clean OS’ ready to sell or give to a family member or friend.
MacBook Repairs, we can help you with this. Usually these are something physical. For example, the computer not powering on, the computer overheating, a distortion across the screen. However in some cases hardware faults can cause data loss or crashes and freezes and therefore will often have the same symptoms as software faults. We can resolve most issues with MacBook Pro or MacBook Air computers. For MacBook Pro/Air newer than three years old and therefore covered by Apple Warranty or Consumer Law coverage we will direct you to an Apple Authorised repair agent. The same applies to desktop Mac’s.
If we set you up, you generally don’t need data recovery as you have your Time Machine backup or similar. Can you afford to lose a week’s worth of work? What about a day or an hour? If not, ask us about backup solutions or Cloud storage. If necessary we can do data recovery to recover your data. In the event that your data is of high value we will direct you to the data recovery experts.
If you don’t know your Apple ID password you can go to the Apple Support site and click the link for ‘Forgot your Apple ID’. All Apple products now rely on your Apple ID. Once you have reset this password, be sure to at least write it in your password book or preferably use a password safe. For example Lastpass.com allows free access to your passwords from one device type, desktop or mobile. Choose one password to unlock all of your passwords and turn on two factor authentication.
When setting up new Apple IDs, always record the Recovery Key, always remember the cellphone number that you use as a recovery number. If you loose these you have lost your Apple ID. This can mean you can loose any purchases on that Apple ID and in some cases your device can no longer be accessed or can no longer be repaired.
Apple Coverage
You get 90 days free technical support with Apple when you purchase new Apple hardware. By all means call 0800 MY APPLE to make use of this. They will help you with any software issue or direct you to one of their Apple Authorised Repair agents if they believe it to be a hardware issue. If they are unable to help with a non-apple piece of hardware or software we can help and we can of course help after your 90 days.
Apple covers the hardware for failures within 12 month of your purchase date. They don’t cover any liquid or physical damage, the Apple Authorised Repair agent will check to ensure the fault is not a result of this type of ‘accidental’ damage. If your Mac/iPhone has had an accident, they can do a quote for your insurance company. However if you have no insurance it may be repairable by someone that is not Authorised by Apple. We have someone we can direct you to.
Software issues are not covered by your Apple warranty, as you have the ability to reinstall your system that came with the computer and reinstall any Apps you purchased. This generally fixes most issues. We can do this for you, so that you don’t have to.
Under Consumer Law, Apple will cover Mac hardware after the warranty expires. The Authorised Agent is able to replace parts under this coverage for three years after the purchase date (or two years for iPhone/iPad). After this time it may be possible to discuss with Apple directly and get coverage, as their website states the consumer law coverage is for a ‘reasonable period of time’. Other requirements are that the computer must be purchased in New Zealand or Australia and you may need to show your ‘Proof of Purchase’ showing the store, date and serial number of the product. If you purchased from another country, you will likely need to return the computer to that country to get coverage. Liquid and Physical damage exclusions apply.
This is available for purchase within 60 days of buying your Apple hardware and extends the phone support for three years, hardware repairs and also includes accidental damage for a more affordable fixed cost per incident.
Apple doesn’t always get it right, however when they realise there is a quality issue they will often put their hand up and correct the issue with what used to be called a Quality Program, now renamed to be Service Programs. Check the list on the website to see if your Apple product is on the list. Note that often the program has a serial number range that was affected by the issue and often the coverage is only for a certain period after purchase date for example four years from purchase.